Talha Enes Ayranci

Talha Enes Ayranci

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at the University of Glasgow.

You can find a brief overview of my background below. For a detailed CV, please click the resume link below. Don't hesitate to reach out to me through any of the contact channels above. I'm always open to engaging in discussions and sharing thoughts with others. Feel free to start conversations on any topics that align with my interests.


*This website is forked from this project.


Doctor of Philosophy

Nov 2022 - Present

School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow

Master's Degree

Sep. 2021 - Sep 2022

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, University of Glasgow

Bachelor's Degree

Jul. 2015 - Jun. 2019

Computer Engineering, Konya Technical University


Teaching Assistant

Sep 2023 - Present

University of Glasgow

Software Developer

Jun 2023 - Present

University of Glasgow Software Services

Software Engineer

Feb 2020 - Sep 2021

PostDICOM, Medical Image Processing